EVM Precompiles

Oracle Precompile

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001008

This precompile enables EVM clients to query the Oracle module.



  • getExchangeRates: Gets the corresponding Sei Address from the given EVM Address

      /// Retrieves the exchange rates for all denominations.
      /// @return An array of denomination and exchange rate pairs.
      function getExchangeRates() external view returns (DenomOracleExchangeRatePair[] memory);
      // Structs
      struct OracleExchangeRate {
          string exchangeRate;
          string lastUpdate;
          int64 lastUpdateTimestamp;
      struct DenomOracleExchangeRatePair {
          string denom;
          OracleExchangeRate oracleExchangeRateVal;
  • getOracleTwaps: Retrieves Oracle Time-Weighted Average Prices (TWAPs) for the specified lookback period.

     /// Retrieves Oracle Time-Weighted Average Prices (TWAPs) for the specified lookback period.
     /// @param lookback_seconds The lookback period in seconds.
     /// @return An array of denomination and TWAP pairs.
     function getOracleTwaps(
         uint64 lookback_seconds) external view returns (OracleTwap[] memory);
      // Structs
      struct OracleTwap {
         string denom;
         string twap;
         int64 lookbackSeconds;

View the Oracle precompile source code and the contract ABI here (opens in a new tab).

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